Language base for programming

This was a question I got some five years ago. Now, I am a former programming teacher. While there is an element of tongue-in-cheek to this answer, I’m also quite serious. I am also quite aware that this wasn’t what the querent was looking for, but I think my answer was interesting enough anyway.

I am assuming English is your natural language here, substitute as required.

  1. English — command of your own language is essential. Study the classics for vocabulary and to learn to strive for meaning. Read a lot of comics to learn to match action and description, and study brevity.
  2. Pig Latin — or some similar gamed / play language built on your language, like the Swedish “Robber’s language”. This will teach you to deal with your language even when it has been distorted in a regular manner and doesn’t look and sound like its basic form.
  3. Structured English — English constrained to a structured and precise syntax. This will adapt your thinking to operative expression while preserving your creativity. Programming language that use English-sounding keywords (that is most of them) are very much like structured English. If you don’t recognize the term: soldiers, police officers, and first responders use (a form of, they cheat by overusing code words) SE on their radios. Chances are you tried it in play when you were a kid.

There! Now you have a strong foundation and are ready to learn a programming language. Pick any one that seems interesting to you and switch if you find you’re not comfortable with it after all. Keep learning languages as you go, the only valid reason to stop is “existence failure” (death).

Programming languages are mostly interchangeable and your exact choice will not make or break your programming career. Without the languages mentioned above, however, you are lost. Not everybody comes to programming by way of this foundation, at least not consciously. Still, if they are really good at programming and take a look over their shoulder, they will find that the above three languages come easily to them.



Peter Lewerin

Algorithmician, history buff, non-practicing hedonist. Whovian, ghiblist: let there be wonder. Argumentative, punster, has delusions of eloquence.